Monday, 4 June 2007

What this is aboot

I've been meaning to pop some of the bits of information, recipes, gotchas and general how-d'ye-do-thats that I've picked up from my tinkerings with the Solaris operating system in a public place for some time now. The reasons for this are pretty straightforward:
  1. I can whack useful info for myself in a place I can get at from anywhere with an internet connection and a browser
  2. Problems I've met and overcome can get slurped by the Google Hoover, and hopefully end up in the first two pages of results for$myproblem for anyone in the same position
  3. I can have a public place to vent my frustrations. Less useful for the public at large, but it feels good
This is intended to be that place. I make no representations as to accuracy, intelligibility or optimality (or even the use of real words). All I can say is - this is what I've found works; if you think I am doing the Wrong Thing, or know a better way, then please pipe up.

First real post coming soon.


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